Thursday, December 11, 2008

One of those...

I've had this nagging mental itch for a couple days now. It's that feeling you get when you walk out the door and as you're halfway down the street, you remember you forgot something but you can't remember what. That's how I've felt. Anyway, I'm sure I'm just in the usual holiday creative slump and it's got me a little down. I've got another round of postcards ready to be sent out right after the holidays. And in the meantime, I should keep doing personal work and taking care of loose ends. This time of year always makes me feel kinda detached from the whole art scene, mostly because there's so much going on that it's hard to devote the usual attention to it. On a positive note, however, I'm printing my holiday cards as I write this.

One task at a time...

Does anyone else just hate feeling sidetracked like this?



Zimlicious said...

That's the "a new year is coming" crisis. I should be working on fixing my novel, but it's just sitting on my desk as it is because it's the last thing I have the time and energy for nowadays...

Kordaklye Klamaticus said...

I am sidetracked with idling, spilling time all over the place. This seems to happen when I have too much of it in my bowl. I need to drink the time more frequently it is like dehydration.