Saturday, May 9, 2009



Two of my favourite people in the world just welcomed their gigantic baby boy into the world earlier today. I'm the proud godfather of little Silas! And how appropriate that this Sunday is mother's day. Congratulations to all three of you. You're awesome folks and you're going to be the best, most loving parents to this loud and HUGE little dude. What a set of pipes he had over the phone! Incredible. My thoughts and prayers and well-wishes are with you guys. I love you both and I can't wait to meet him! Oh, and be sure to tell your folks I said congratulations to them as well! I gotta pay them a visit next time I get back home... Now get some rest. You deserve it.

Thank God the week is over... seems like it's been a long one. And the rain FINALLY broke today. What a nice change of pace. Gonna be spending the weekend with Sara. Must. Shoot. Photos. Go on over to and check out this week's treasures. Lots of location scouting this past week... gonna do some composition work on my days off here. New illy(s?) by tuesday night, so come back soon.

So much excitement. Must rest...

Peace, love, and babies.


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